The Influencing Skills live virtual training has been redeveloped to include a 1-hour hands-on sophisticated business simulation. In three hours, the participants will explore how to influence stakeholders to embrace their ideas, accept recommendations, and support initiatives whilst building stronger relationships, even if they do not have the authority to do so.

The training focuses on greater awareness of the stakeholder, improving the persuasiveness of the message and best practice ideas for handling resistance.

The simulation is a realistic business situation whereby they must gain internal buy-in for a new project by working with various stakeholders, to obtain the support for the new business initiative while convincing management to endorse the change. There are opportunities to practice networking and exerting direct and/or indirect influence.


  • Understanding Influencing and your Stakeholder

  • 3 Rules of Influence

  • The AIDA Technique

  • Dealing with Resistance

  • Pre-simulation Briefing

  • Play Simulation

  • Simulation Debrief