The Simitri Building Trust Simulation training workshop emerges stronger with an exciting business simulation where participants learn to interpret various relationship styles, employ power maps to leverage interpersonal dynamics, build trust with external stakeholders with the objective to outperform competitors while pitching for a huge deal.

The participants are prepped with the tools and knowledge for applying awareness, adaptability and articulation before setting off to practice those tools during the simulation.

Through the simulation, the participants learn how to transform their role from a  vendor to becoming a trusted partner. The key takeaway of this workshop is the practice of creating value for stakeholders by uncovering their needs and gaining commitment, ensuring a more profitable, two-way relationship in which both parties’ benefit.


  • Trust and Relationships

  • The Trust Equation

  • Communicating the Message

  • Pre-simulation Briefing

  • Simulation

  • Simulation Debrief

  • Rebuilding when Trust is Lost